Everyone get in a line we are going to have parade!

When Dr. TBD and I walked into the waiting room in day surgery, we were surprised to see so many families. The place was packed. After we entertained the families in the waiting room, we headed on into the main area where the families are assigned to a small room for their check-in. When we open the door and look in, I thought I was at a pre-school Grand Opening. There were kids everywhere on scooters, bikes, cars, and some being pulled around by a parent in wagons. I have never seen the place so packed, and the nurses were very glad to see us. Dr. TBD and I noticed that most of the children were young, so we thought blowing bubbles would be a good start. We were right! It was a hit! After a while of that, Dr. TBD noticed that there were so many kids on vehicles that it looked like a parade. So she jumped right in and said, "Everyone get in a line we are going to have a parade!" I'm not sure but I do think that the nurses thought we were nuts. It was the best parade I have ever been in! Kazoo music, bikes, cars, wagons, and marching.

Everyone and I mean everyone, had a smile on their face when we got done and had to say good-bye.
