Pediatric Program

"As a mom it truly means so much more when the clowns stop by

and the stress of a day just seems to float away when you're stuck in a hospital room."

Our Visits

Our Humorologists make ‘clown rounds’ much like regular doctors. We go room to room and interact with patients right at their bedsides in addition to spreading joy throughout clinics, hallways and waiting areas. All Humorologists are also trained to appropriately use gowns, gloves and masks in order to visit patients who are on special precautions. 

"We love our Humorology Atlanta Clowns so much!

They are always there to cheer our daughter up when she is in the hospital."

Our Artistry 

Humorologists use music, dance, circus arts, mime, magic, improvisation and the art of clowning to spread laughter, and to provide focus, distraction, fun, motivation, celebration, relaxation, and relief. 

Our Look

All of the clown doctor characters are designed to be very approachable in appearance and action. Our Humorologists all wear doctor coats that are uniquely tailored to fit their character. No wigs or extreme face paint are worn. Just minimal make up and a nose. Our movements and gestures are always appropriate to the environment and are fun, playful, and gentle.


"These guys totally turned my sad, non-drinking patient into a very happy camper!

Thank you, Dr. Me Me and Dr. Noobie”