Humorology Atlanta, HA! is looking for skilled professional performers to join our Pediatric Clown Team. You need not be a clown or circus performer to apply (but if you are, that is great!) We are seeking artists skilled in music, physical comedy, puppetry, improvisation, juggling/object manipulation, mime, clown, magic etc. Fluency in Spanish is a plus. This is a permanent, paid, part-time, year-round position. Shifts are during daytime hours and all work is done with a partner. This position requires the performer to make meaningful connections with patients at their bedside through the performance of bits, lazzi, and spontaneous wackiness.
High level of performance skill
History of performance experience
Big heart and generous spirit
To apply for an audition (ages 18+):
Please click here and be prepared to upload the following (each filed should include your name in the filename). Please note submitting an Audition Interest Form does not guarantee you an audition. You will be contacted by Humorology Atlanta regarding an audition slot.
Headshot or Performance Photo
Performance resume
Letter of interest
Contact information for two references
Submissions will be accepted through February 1, 2019. You will be notified by 11:59pm on 2/1/19 if you have been selected for an audition.